Lichens » Thelocarpaceae » Thelocarpon lichenicola

Thelocarpon lichenicola

(Fuckel) Poelt & Hafellner

A minute, non-lichenized species with obconical, sessile apothecia 100–200 μm diam. It has been recorded on a variety of substrates including soil, siliceous and dolomite stones, wood and on Baeomyces rufus. In the field a hand lens reveals the tiny pale green, almost florescent fruits, but there are several similar species and voucher require microscope work for safe identification.

Locally, the species has been recorded on disturbed acid soils along the cliffs east of Langland, alongside a new footpath. Direct associates noted included Bryum rubens, Campylopus introflexus, Ceratodon purpureus, Placynthiella uliginosa, Pleuridium acuminatum, Trapelia coarctata and Vezdaea retigera.

Thelocarpon lichenicola - © Barry Stewart
Thelocarpon lichenicola - © Barry Stewart