Lichens » Pertusariaceae » Lepra (Pertusaria) corallina White Crottle

Lepra (Pertusaria) corallina White Crottle

(L.) Arnold

A species of dry, siliceous rocks, being found most frequently in upland areas. The white-grey thallus is densely covered with cylindrical-coralloid idisia, without brown apices. Typically displays a conspicuous white prothallus. Thallus C–, K+ yellow to yellow-orange, KC+ yellow, Pd+ yellow-red, UV– (thamnolic acid). Black sporodochial tufts of the lichenicolous hyphomycete Sclerococcum sphaerale are sometime present on the thallus, which suppress the formation of isidia.

The bagworm moth Luffia lapidella (Ramshorn Bagworm) has been recorded locally on Lepra corallina at Gelli-gwm, Pontarddulais (see image). Only the parthenogenetic female is known in much of the UK. They have no wings and live in a cone-shaped case decorated with small pieces of lichen. Her diet consists of lichen soralia and it is more frequently found on Lepraria incana sens. lat.

Listed under Pertusaria corallina by Alan Orange in Flora of Glamorgan (Wade et al, 1994).

Lepra (Pertusaria) corallina - © Barry Stewart
Lepra (Pertusaria) corallina - © Barry Stewart
