Fungi » Omphalina galericolor

Omphalina galericolor

(Romagn.) Bon

An uncommon species associated with mosses such as Syntrichia ruraliformis on sand dunes. The yellow-ochre or orange-brown cap distinguish it from Ompahalina lilacinicolor which is found in similar places and may be just a variety of it (see description of that species). It can also be distinguished from other similar Omphalina species by its stem which is similar in colour to the cap but shorter in length than the diameter of the cap. It is a rare species in West Glamorgan with records only from Baglan Dunes where it is a significant member of the fungal dune assemblage community. 

Omphalina galericolor - © Charles Hipkin
Omphalina galericolor - © Charles Hipkin